The character of Aeneas as a hero In Book ii of the Aeneid, all of the soldiers of Troy perish except the character of Aeneas, his son Ascanius, and his father Anchises. The character of Aeneas emerges as a hero during his escape from Troy in Book ii of The Aeneid. This book opens with Aeneas arriving at the homeland of Dido. Aeneas arrives and all attention was directed towards him. Aeneas saddened and heartbroken by the things that he encountered and saw in the fall of his own kingdom Troy grieved sorrow. Aeneas a strong believer in the ways of the gods searched for answers. In a dream a fellow warrior Hector appears to Aeneas as a ghost. The appearance of Hector’s ghost tells Aeneas what he must do. “Give up and Go, child of the goddess, save yourself, out of these flames. The enemy holds the city walls, and from her height Troy falls in ruin. We will write a custom essay sample on Aeneas the Hero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.